Monday, April 26, 2004

I have graduated! haha.. this is the day i have been waiting for; after this tortureous 3 years of poly life.. to other poly students, they might have lead an easier and simple life but not for me or rather our ech students! our lives were hard and there were tears, laughters, quarrels, sorrows and happiness too! the 3 yrs had been occupying my time, mind and spiritual totally. now when i am done with all these, i am left with that Dip and my own future to fight for. hMM... wad am i going to do next?
i have planned to further my studies in this early childhood.. but what would be next? in life, we do not really plan everything.. do we? when we wanted to be a policeman/lawyer/fire fighter/ teacher when we were young, it usually doesn't turn out so... so i will tk a step at a time.
i would nv thought i would be a teacher one day too! its just so hard to imagine... hehe! in my lives, there were not much teachers who had really left footprints in my heart.. maybe not those who really changed my life but there were those who have been there for me when i was down..
it seems that i may be satisfied with my life but am i? is this wad i wan? maybe for the time being.. i think so... life is so unpredictable.. like the nicoll highway incident.. i felt so sorry for the casualties especially their family members..
back of my mind i was thinking.. everyone of them were doing their part; working hard to provide for the family but why they come to this end? haiz.. why do god tk away those who had done well as a person and also for the society? but on the other hand, i was relieved that there was not much traffic at that point of time when it would be usually be heavy traffic; thus lesser victims. no matter wad, i believed in every part of singapore, there would be ppl praying hard for them; hoping things would be better for the families.
i remembered few years ago, there was a big hOo-hA abt the meteor stars appearing in singapore. every seaside would be crowded with ppl, waiting to catch a glimpse of it. i was sitting there, with my aunt and uncle... waiting for it to appear.. suddenly.. "shOO" it went past in the blink of an eye. i prayed hard. what did i pray for? my aunt asked. i replied "world peace" she looked quite shocked and kept quiet.. but i knew what was going thru at the back of her mind. when my friends asked, i replied the same.. some even laughed at me for making such a wish. thinking back now, why would i choose to make this wish when i was facing some turmoil in my own life then; when i should have wished something personal abt my life.. i duno.. i just felt tat noone life would be any better if there were wars happening.. i just wished for everyone life and well-being.
to all my dear friends, nothing can be worse off in life. its only when u cant learn to cope and live with it, u r nothing good compared to anything. tk care...
anyway i have just changed my layout again.. loves this song alot as i believed there would be someone out there who have touched your life once.. and that once is more than enough we can ask for.

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