Tuesday, December 08, 2009

it has been a long time since my last post. My life has been pretty mundane with work, burning midnight oil, work, bf and friends. Somehow i am grateful to have caught up with friends who has been supportive and willing to give me listening ear to my heartfelt words and feelings. They can understand my feelings and thoughts yet they can help me view from another perspective. I could really pour my heart out to them~ without any withold or awkwardness.

I guessed along the way~ I have lost and gain some friendship. At least to me, i feel comfortable talking to them about anything under the sun.

I am not sure if the decision is settled which is making me upset as I do not know whether to let go and move on. I hate the sense of feeling lost, that kinda sense of uncertainty about things.

Thanks to ppl who have been walking along with me; giving me the support and concern. Thanks to friends who spent the nights with me although they are also caught up with their own stuffs.

But i felt sorry for some who really cared but I could not be there, physically or emotionally.

I guessed I am down with alot of emo stuffs that are unsettled thus i chose to close myself up. I need strength to walk on....

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