Tuesday, December 30, 2003


basically.. i have been doing nothing constructive the whole day.. woke up.. play game, surf net, eat, sleep and play game till now.. so bored.. my dear so sad n disappointed with the game disc he bought from malaysia.. it got hanged at the last part... so we did not get to know the ending of the story after playing the whole day..
haiz.. school is starting soon yet i have done nothing about my assignment which is due on 9th jan.. wait to die.. haha...duno why but just cant get myself to start doing it.. the 1st time that i lost confidence in the things i do.. no mood + no confidence... hope i can get it started soon... getting tired after doing nothing the whole day... its better to be occupied than rotting away as my mindat least will works.. but my mind is just like a retarded now.. too lazy to move and think... hope things get better as the days goes by..

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