Monday, January 19, 2004


i was at buGis this whoLle afternoon till now.. so tired... it was quite crowded as we went around looking for just a parking lot... anD hard to imagINe tat we spenT 1hr just to Find it! sO we went around in buGis villAge and shopped for mY bro's clothes.. in the end. hE managed to get a shiRt and 2 t-shiRts... hOpe he likeS it! buT i did not Get anyThing foR myselF.. humPh! =( saw alot of nice cloThes buT did noT get a Chance to touch them... haIz.. so saD n disaPPointed..
anYyway we met my mum and godma later in the evenINg... we walked in OG bugiS and i met one of my frenz, dawn there... we walked till quite late ard 10++ and reached home noT long agO.. thanKs to my deAR for fetChing us around.. buT feLt abiT bad coS sort of negLect hiM... LuckIly my bro was ard to accompany him anD chat with Him.. sO tired noW... tomolo stIll got clAss in the morninG.. and bLur me.. forgotten to bring mY casetTE tape whiCh i need tO hand tO my teachER.. goT to wastE $$ to buy anoTher one again.. siAnz! bluR me.... goT to slP.. nIte!

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