Monday, January 19, 2004


jUz sooo busY with aLL the make-up lessoNS I had todaY... was quiTe tireD buT was happY to geT my 'ba gua' frOm my frienD, Linxian! hehe.. got somethinG to chEw at lasT.. be gettinG another pomelO again!! wooH.. seemS to be liKE christmaS.. xchangIng new yr 'giFts'? haha.. buT noT bad laH.. They r juSt too niCe ppl.. glAd to hab knowN theM or eLse i be stArving!
i cant staY onlinE too lonG todaY cos i still got to study foR tml's quiZ~ siAnz.. gOt to stUdy... Hope i bE abLe ot finiSh it fasT and undersTand weLL...
i had juSt helpeD my deaR to dyE his hair.. hE's still waiTing foR the develOPing timE... hOpe it turNs out weLL or i wiLL receive An earfuL froM hiM =P! wannA looK nice Nice on chN New yeaR daY~ vaIn vaIN~~ buT as lonG as hE likes it, iTs gooD! i aM so hunGry noW.. havE not takEn dinner yeT.. waiT~~~ waiT~~ got to wait for him! arGghh.. starVing! huRRy uP!
i wAs abiT upset thiS morninG.. on my waY to schooL.. i saw an civic ambuLance and two men trying to help aN old maN inTo the amBulance... thE old maN looked so fraiL anD helpLess.. gueSSed he musT havE hate himseLf for beinG a burdEn to otheRs... haiZ.. i better take good care of myself.. my familY hEalth historY iS super loNg anD negaTive... wiTh high blooD pressure.. cancer... diabetics... and the liSt goes on.. buT anyway i will definitely get high blood pressure as it runs in the famIly... juZ hope dun geT it sO sooN.. i stIll wanna enjoY lifE witH all The good food n tHings to dO! hOpe i wiLL start tO exerCise sooN anD mosT imptly.. duN alwayS dream of iT in mY sleeP onlY! exeRcise.. exercise! stiLL blOg agaIN wheN i havE time.. gOt to studY.. stUdy... i aM a hardwoRking gaL! =P

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